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Viveve: A Valentine’s Gift for your Vagina

Viveve: A Valentine’s Gift for your Vagina

Viveve: A Valentine’s Gift for your Vagina

Valentine’s day is a controversial holiday – some dismiss it as a card company scam to make us spend unnecessarily on flowers and chocolates while others celebrate it for the spotlight it shines on arguably the best emotion – love. I think the day gets a bad rep when the media only focuses on romantic love (that is, until Leslie Knope introduced Galentine’s Day to the world). As I get older, I have realized the importance of self-love and now see Valentine’s Day not only as a day to celebrate my partner but also myself. As a new mom, this reminder is desperately needed sometimes.


What is Galentine’s Day
Galentine’s day is celebrated on February 13, the day before Valentine’s Day. It’s a day dedicated to celebrating your closest women friends. As Leslie describes it, “Ladies celebrating ladies.”

Being a new mother has also made me think about self-care differently than before. It’s not just physical, but mental as well and embracing my body for the badass feat of bringing a new little human into this world. I do have to admit that this isn’t so easy at times – especially for the part of my body that should be getting the most love after giving birth – my vagina. 

I don’t need to tell my fellow moms the unpleasant (to put it mildly) side effects that come along post-partum – stress incontinence, vaginal dryness and laxity and pain during sex. For too long, these have been seen as unavoidable companions to having a baby, but that’s no longer true. Vaginal rejuvenation is a non-surgical option to solving these issues and showing love to your body by making your comfort a priority. The name sounds hokey, but it just means a procedure to restore the vaginal canal. You may remember hearing Jada Pinkett Smith talk about it with her mom on their show Red Table Talk, with Jada proudly stating that “when I tell you my yoni [vagina] is like a 16-year-old, I’m not kidding. I’m talking about the outside. It looks like a little beautiful peach.” She also shares that she sought out the procedure for bladder issues, which were resolved after three treatments. 

“The goal of vaginal rejuvenation is to restore the vagina to a more youthful version of itself and to make it look and function healthier.” – Dr. Darren Lazare

Viveve provides non-invasive and effective treatment for urinary incontinence and sexual function issues. It is performed by inserting a small probe into the vagina that uses radiofrequency waves to heat the tissue while simultaneously offering protection through cryogen cooling effects. The result is a boost in collagen production that delivers a noticeable tightening of the vagina for increased friction and pleasure during sexual intimacy, greater bladder control, and more youthful vaginal tissue. A study with 164 women showed a significant improvement in arousal, lubrication and orgasm with sustained results out to 12-months¹. What could be a better Valentine’s gift to give yourself than a better orgasm?

Joking aside, vaginal rejuvenation treatments like Viveve can create the standard for vaginal health that we deserve. We don’t need the excuse of a holiday like Valentine’s day to put ourselves and our health first, but it’s an opportunity to show yourself that extra bit of love and fall even deeper in love with your body. 

  1. References: 
    1. Krychman M, Rowan CG, Allan BB, et al. Effect of Single-Treatment, Surface-Cooled Radiofrequency Therapy on Vaginal Laxity and Female Sexual Function: The VIVEVE I Randomized Controlled Trial. J Sex Med 2017;14:215e225. Copyright 2016, International Society for Sexual Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
    2. Photo credit: Cottonbro

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